Coping tips after a cancer diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis is life-changing. This is why Oncopadi and Sebeccly Cancer Care has developed cancer support resources and tips on coping after a cancer diagnosis. Some of our programs provide accurate cancer information, cancer support group, resources and practical support such as the free surgery program called Sebeccly Mastectomy Initiative at General Hospital, Lagos.

For most, it means that their whole life changes as regards life plans and schedules, work and relationships. These are often moulded to accommodate changes that follow a cancer diagnosis. The first questions that pop into your head are usually:

  • “Why?”
  • “Why Me?”
  • “How? “
  • “Why am I deserving of this?”
  • “How do I tell my family?”

You may feel anger, be worried about the future, find it hard to believe or accept the diagnosis or totally devastated. You must remember that you are not alone. In some cases, your cancer has little or nothing to do with your choices in the past so you must not beat yourself up after the diagnosis. What is important is to react quickly. Cry, if you must but be sure to get back up, inspired to battle cancer and survive.

If you would like some cancer support services or coping tips or wish to speak to a cancer survivor or a cancer specialist, you can now do so from the comfort of your home and Phone. Click Here

Here are some tips to help you cope with a cancer diagnosis:

  1. Break the news to your family and close circle of friends: While this may seem difficult especially if you had been of perfect health and are not one to ask for help but research has shown that people with family support are better positioned to make the cancer journey. Let them help you take some of your worries away, whether it involves work or housekeeping. Keep them informed about your cancer journey and assign specific tasks to those willing to help.
  2. Learn: Learning more about your cancer is one of the most important steps to take after a cancer diagnosis. This ensures that you are abreast with your treatment, cancer care plan and are able to make informed decisions whenever necessary. Ask your cancer care team questions whenever the need arises, especially about side effects of treatment, type of cancer, stage and treatment expectations. You may choose to keep a diary and note things down to serve as a reference after your appointments. You should also note down your appointment dates and other important details in your diary. Oncopadi has made this easier by having your medical record with you everywhere you go by uploading here.
    On a lazy afternoon or evening, take some time out to fill it.Your cancer doctor and medical team will find this helpful during your clinic visits.
  3. Create a schedule: You should endeavor to create a routine involving the most important activities of your daily life. This ensures that you remain active and independent while focusing on the most important aspects of your life. It also saves up time for you to get adequate rest between tasks, engage in your hobbies or exercise. For some people, staying busy help. Engage in as many interests as possible.

  4. Seek counselling or support: It is easy to feel overwhelmed with a cancer diagnosis and we encourage you to speak with your cancer care team, religious leaders and join a support group. A support group is made up of people who have gone through similar experience. You can join our online support group. You will find it helpful to share your questions, concerns and learn from others. These are helpful in preparing you mentally and emotionally for the journey ahead. You can also call to book an appointment to physically meet a cancer survivor at Sebeccly Cancer Care at 360, Herbert Macaulay way, Yaba.
  5. Be hopeful and positive, always, Remember the popular saying: “The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again” – Ram Charan.

Do you still have questions or need further assistance? Please post it in the comment box or chat with us directly. We would love to hear from you.

Until the next episode. Remember; stay positive always.

Loads of Love

Xo xo

Oncopadi cares

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