Expanding humane cancer care across the health ecosystem in Africa

Oncopadi is on a mission to quickly connect cancer patients to life saving resources - cancer specialists, hospitals and coping resources.
Every year, 125,000 Nigerians are diagnosed with cancer, and over 60% are recorded in deaths per annum.
We are on a mission to improve the statistics by working to improve clinical outcomes for patients and strengthen health systems to provide holistic oncology services.
To achieve this, we continue to forge strategic partnerships with people living with cancer and, oncology providers in the Private and the Public sector.
Through the Oncopadi App, we help cancer patients find specialists faster, and instantly connect them to a community of survivors and support them on their journey from the first diagnosis to the days after treatment.
Our vision is to be Africa’s most connected and
patient-centric platform, where online cancer care
is as reliable as a good old friend.
You may not have an Oncologist within reach, but if you have a smartphone, that’s all you need.

Our Goals
At Oncopadi, our goal is to expand humane cancer care across the health ecosystem in Africa starting with Nigeria.
As Africa’s foremost digital cancer clinic, we are reengineering how cancer patients connect
with specialists, survivors and coping tools through A, B, C, D.
Enabling each patient or individual to generate and engage their own health data.
Empowering a new model of medicine that allows patients to track and report symptoms real time.
Creating a collaborative health ecosystem with health professionals, technologists, researchers, and patient advocates.
Designing and implementing new technologies to improve population health and lower health barriers.
Our Story
This is Oncopadi’s story as told through milestones.

- US TechWomen Fellowship in Silicon Valley.
- Launch of 2nd Digital Hub at Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH), Ogun state.
- 2 OncopadiARC Programs: Virtual Tumor Board and Virtual Cancer Clinics.
- 52 Unique MDT Participants and 24 Cases Reviewed on the OncopadiARC.
- 4000+ users and over 38,000 consulting minutes.
- Grand prize Winner of the US Astella Oncology C3 Prize for Innovation in Cancer Care.
- Commissioned to build Africa’s PROSEcare App.
- Oncopadi ARC Pre-launched at the ICW by FMOH.
- 4 Digital Cancer Clinics: Breast, Gynae, Urologic and Side-effects Clinics.
- 25 cancer specialists i.e 1 in 4 Nigerian Oncologists consulting on Oncopadi.
- Oncopadi Technologists Limited Incorporated.
- 20+ Partnerships.
- Launch of SOAR-CC for 2,000 Cancer Patients and Caregivers.
- Mobile App Launch.
- 750+ Users across 15 states and 8 countries.
- Africa Start-Up Initiative at Mobile World Congress.
- 2nd Idea: Digital Health Shop.
- Winner, African Women in Technology Pitch Competition 2019.
- Product Pivot and Expansion (Web App).
- Data Published at AORTIC Conference in Mozambique.
2017 & 2018
- 1st idea birthed: A Digital Cancer Clinic.
- Launched MVP Video Consultation.
- Pilot of Web App in 3 Cancer Clinics in Lagos.

Our Core Values
Our core values embody what we stand for
and offer the world. They are: